Lucky is Relative

A video update following my visit Spine Clinic physiotherapist

Feeling Good as I Enter Week 10: Controlled Movements

Good visit with physio last week. Cleared up the what the neurosurgeon said and what he meant. It amazes me that all parties involved speak English as our first language and yet the number of interpretations is astounding.

For physio, check with your Spine Clinic. At the Rapid Access Spine Clinic in North Vancouver they have a physio center integrated into the total care system. But you have to ask. HAVE TO ASK???? Yes, not all surgeons believe in physiotherapy. OK, that’s a bit unusual. One might even go as far as to say crazy but that is the reality of the situation. Trust me.

Basically the rule on not to bend, rotate or sideways bend were things the Neurosurgeon would tell any person he talked to including the physio as an individual. Great. Protect your spine. But let’s face it, I’ve said it time and again you have to have these movements in your repertoire or you’re in deep dodo.

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